Height of Cruelty...
What is the future of society that dumps
the CREATOR OF LIFE in well???
the CREATOR OF LIFE in well???

Come on..Wake up Now! If not now then when?
Comment by Anu...
It is indeed disgusting to see this treatment given to the girl child even before she is born. I feel this is a serious lack of education (not literacy) in our country. Women are treated like commodities, so probably even ill treated mothers do not want to give birth to girl children and put them through the same misery that they have undergone. The girl child is always considered as a burden, getting her married and paying dowry seems to bog down fathers the moment she is born. She is never treated as a form of goddess Durga that she is and the mother goddess and that this country celebrates with such zeal. What can be the solution to this problem? Stringent laws? education for the mothers to be? heavy punishment for such henious crimes? do share your thoughts
It is indeed disgusting to see this treatment given to the girl child even before she s born. I feel this is a serious lack of education (not literacy) in our country. Women are treated like commodities, so probably even ill treated mothers do not want to give birth to girl children and put them through the same misery that they have undergone. The girl child is always considered as a burden, getting her married and paying dowry seems to bog down fathers the moment she is born. She is never treated as a form of goddess Durga that she is and the mother goddess and that this country celebrates with such zeal. What can be the solution to this problem? Stringent laws? education for the mothers to be? heavy punishment for such henious crimes? do share your thoughts
a pray and a wish ----------------from the very ancient time one curse is coming on . even gods and devatas 's souls were also affected by the curse of evil thoughts of KAMA (sex) and KAM(sex) .
when any god or anyone would had created male and female ,some god would had invented the sex and thoughts of sex (kam) for the birth for childrens .at those times it may be the requirement for the birth of childrens . but after words became curse . and was misused and was used as a tool for the destructions .
if there would had been no evil thoughts of sex(kama ) which causes insult and hates . never no one would had been insulted and evil thoughts was the main cause of every quarrel, every insult and every destructions .
if at those ancients times some wise ,noble peoples , god would had thought of evil effects and would had taken wise decissions for the betterment for others , no ramayana, no mahabhartha , no war ,no fight ,no quarrels , in puranic (ancients) times and now nothing would had/have not taken place .and many and many peoples would had not become the victims .
every one was not born with the nature's good grace of good qualities and the good fate and luck to have good inteligence , good wisdom , good qualities , and circuimstances not to commiting ever any mistakes or sins . the peoples , gods , devtas , souls , which were doing bad ,wrong things and cruelities were also victim of bad fate and bad qualities , bad wisdim ( बुदधि ) .
never anyone suffer from the evil thoughts of KAMA and KAM and evil wisdom , evil thoughts be change into good and noble of every soul ,every molecules of souls ,where ever it may be ,even in any atom under earth or any part of earth , universe, any kind of hell. . each and every molecule which are taken from humans , souls and be the humans again on the earth as were naturally origanaly . every human , soul, molecule get the good wisedom ,good intelegence not to commeiting any sin , not doing wrong bad, not doing anything which cause insult to anyone which makes anyone angry , there be no bad words, no bad thoughts, no hates , no sins, no vengeances, no quarrels , no life lose. be respect for every one in every soul, human, kundalini , every molecule .there be no any soul, molecule, creatuers, with any kind of suffering , pain , punishment , or any torturings in any kind of hell and under earth or any where in universe ..
every human every soul ,every molecule either good or bad , angle or evil , sinner , demon , god or devil every creature , every one want to live as a good humanbeing
a pray and a wish ----------------from the very ancient time one curse is coming on . even gods and devatas 's souls were also affected by the curse of evil thoughts of KAMA (sex) and KAM(sex) .
when any god or anyone would had created male and female ,some god would had invented the sex and thoughts of sex (kam) for the birth for childrens .at those times it may be the requirement for the birth of childrens . but after words became curse . and was misused and was used as a tool for the destructions .
if there would had been no evil thoughts of sex(kama ) which causes insult and hates . never no one would had been insulted and evil thoughts was the main cause of every quarrel, every insult and every destructions .
if at those ancients times some wise ,noble peoples , god would had thought of evil effects and would had taken wise decissions for the betterment for others , no ramayana, no mahabhartha , no war ,no fight ,no quarrels , in puranic (ancients) times and now nothing would had/have not taken place .and many and many peoples would had not become the victims .
every one was not born with the nature's good grace of good qualities and the good fate and luck to have good inteligence , good wisdom , good qualities , and circuimstances not to commiting ever any mistakes or sins . the peoples , gods , devtas , souls , which were doing bad ,wrong things and cruelities were also victim of bad fate and bad qualities , bad wisdim ( बुदधि ) .
never anyone suffer from the evil thoughts of KAMA and KAM and evil wisdom , evil thoughts be change into good and noble of every soul ,every molecules of souls ,where ever it may be ,even in any atom under earth or any part of earth , universe, any kind of hell. . each and every molecule which are taken from humans , souls and be the humans again on the earth as were naturally origanaly . every human , soul, molecule get the good wisedom ,good intelegence not to commeiting any sin , not doing wrong bad, not doing anything which cause insult to anyone which makes anyone angry , there be no bad words, no bad thoughts, no hates , no sins, no vengeances, no quarrels , no life lose. be respect for every one in every soul, human, kundalini , every molecule .there be no any soul, molecule, creatuers, with any kind of suffering , pain , punishment , or any torturings in any kind of hell and under earth or any where in universe ..
every human every soul ,every molecule either good or bad , angle or evil , sinner , demon , god or devil every creature , every one want to live as a good humanbeing
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