Expression of Stark Reality
Woman is an embodiment of love, grace, and compassion. She creates, she nurtures, she supports, she loves, and she is A POWER HOUSE!!! This bulletin aims to bring forth AWARENESS into the atrocities that are being committed against the woman and her unborn girl child. Please read on…….
Girl fetuses/babies are being killed in record numbers in India (and abroad). They want boys; but when they conceive a girl, they get her aborted! They are not just killing girls, they are killing US! Why are boys wanted more? Why are girls considered a burden? Look deep inside your own hearts, even you've been brainwashed to believe the myth that you need a son to carry on the family. If you don’t have mothers (girls), where will the sons come from?
Women are 2nd class citizens even today in our society. Their roles are established even before they are born. They are abused in one form or another, however subtle or obvious, from day one. They are never allowed to "belong" anywhere. Before marriage, they are burdens and after marriage, they are considered the evil daughter-in-laws. They are blamed, mentally abused and in some cases, physically abused to make sure they obey the "rules" of the family and of society. The true essence of marriage has been lost and women are not brought in as friends, equal partners, confidantes or true spiritual soul-mates for their sons. They are brought in so as to obtain a sort of lifetime live-in servant for the family. What are a servant’s rights? "Be seen but not be heard!" This also happens to our Indian women here in the United States and other so called civilized western cultures! When the woman begins to see the hypocracy and then starts stepping back from fulfilling the physical, cultural, societal needs of her husband and his family, then she is looked upon as being uncooperative, uncultured, and a disgrace; therefore shunned and ostrasized by him, his family, the society and many times her very own family.
The woman is made to believe that she is the problem and her male counterpart is the "good" one. The man who doesn't drink, gamble, or "run around" is considered a great catch; but a woman of the same traits (and many many more) has no value. When boys are born, huge parties are thrown, when girls are born, it's as if someone has died; they mourn! You hear, "Oh it's okay, don't worry, God will bless you eventually” (with a boy child). But do you know what our own women say to these comments, "You can't change the old folks. That's how they think!" Our own women make excuses for these people?! It is WE who have to change this mentality! Now, in this day and age, these people not only think like that ...but with the aid of technology they are also killing! IT'S GONE BEYOND JUST WORDS. They are now killing these unborn and sometimes even born baby girls! How can we sit here and make excuses for that?!!
Now swallow this if you can?! If back when you were born, about 30 to 40 years ago, if this technology was widely available then as it is today, do you think that you would be around today? Probably NOT! Epecially those of you who have an elder sister or two, you too would have been a victim of this massive societal ignorance. Our plea to you is this: If you really want to make a difference in this society, then take THIS to your woman's groups! Now it's time to defend yourself, your daughters, your sisters, and those little baby girls conceived. The Western woman had to fight for her rights to get to where she is now and FINALLY it's time for the woman of the East to stand up for herself too! Life is so precious! We can't allow ignorance to take that away from these sweet little baby girls! They are our bright future. Look! Without women, who will truly love and nurture? Without women, who will spread the message of peace and compassion? How can people be so stone-hearted, so cold, so dead, as to destroy these most beautiful princesses, these gifts from God! WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! It's time that our voice is finally heard.
Did you know that it only costs $1200 US dollars to educate one girl for her ENTIRE education up to the 12th grade in India? Entire education! If we women get together we can change the world. The problem lies in us. We do not support each other enough and we think, “Well, it's not affecting us; we're not like that, it's not our problem." It IS our problem and it WILL affect us, if it already hasn't! In the state of Punjab, for example, there are approximately 739 girls to 1000 boys (statistics taken 10 years ago, imagine what it may be now!) Where are the other girls for the remaining 261 boys going to come from? Are they going to be stolen from other parts of the country? There will be no woman spared from physical assault or rape REGARDLESS of her age. Ever imagine yourself, your mom, your sister or someone near and dear to you having to fulfill the "needs" of all the men in one family??? IT IS ALREADY HAPPENING and yet our own women continue to make excuses! Come on??!!!
If we can get all our friends together and not only raise money but also make people aware of this reality, positive change can be made! Let’s band together and increase awareness, get the word out; raise funds and put our money to saving these girls (our future). If you are interested in contributing, it's called the "Shakti" initiative (shakti means divine feminine energy). Founded and spearheaded by an enlightened mystic, Anandmurti Gurumaa, Shakti is a wake up call to combat the heinous practices and empower the girl child. The mission of Shakti is to educate the girl child to help them become self reliant and self dependent; to help them realize their potential, and develop sense of self-respect, dignity and self-confidence. Through Shakti we aim to extend our support to the larger sections of girls who are deprived of education because of lack of funds, so that one day they can support themselves and contribute in their best possible way to create a healthier balanced society. Educated girls make a better world! Your contributions are 100% tax deductible. Please pass this on to all caring and listening hearts.
I have my play written and performed by me on female foeticide. Would like to present for your forum. Thanks.
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