Shakti-The Feminine Energy

Shakti-The Feminine Energy

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


By Maggie Mavi

Shakti Charity Evening
Venue : Walsall, UK
Date: 12th July 2006
Time: 6 – 10 pm

I had been inspired to arrange a Shakti Charity Function and was given this opportunity, only after meeting Her Holiness Anandmurti Gurumaa, in April 2006. I had always thought, it was very important to educate females as they raise the standards of the society. Now I had the perfect opportunity to do something and help make a difference. As I felt the urgency to do something for all those females, who just do not get the chance in life. But this was that wonderful way of helping in my own little way…so that those children too would get the only chance in their life , to do something and become something. I surprised myself and found raw energy that I was not aware off before.

After having looked at all the options, it was decided to keep it as a Ladies Garden Party, all evening , in my house. Each one entering the gates had to bring a ticket which had a nominal fee , that all went to the charity.

The function was held in the evening, where a number of stalls selling small items like jewellery, make up, clothes and mehndi were being sold. The profits made were given to the charity fund.

The food was provided by friends and a caterer for free and the tent was heavily subsided. All my family and friends chipped in , where each played their important role to help make the night a success. Raffle prizes were donated and tickets sold …each helping to raise money for Shakti.

Two amazing dances were performed by two talented girls to bring in awe to the evening.
Finally a small speech was made by me , informing the audience of this worthy cause of how girls would be given the opportunity for a full school education and how important it was for us to help this worthy cause. As only with everyone’s help can these girls be given that opportunity of a life time.

It is Gurumaaji’s wish that the-- entire womankind get the message to live with HONOR, PRIDE and STRENGTH.

Comment by Jaz Tagar

I would like to say thank you to maggie mavi for inviting me to her charity function at her house. It was so nice to see that so many people attended and supported shakti charity. JAZ TAGAR

Comment by Pat Kirby

It was a lovely summer evening. The hostess Maggie Mavi, made us feel most welcome and everyone was very friendly. An assortment of food to satisfy everyones palate was displayed. A lovely evening was had by all.


Pat Kirby said...

It was a lovely summer evening. The hostess Maggie Mavi, made us feel most welcome and everyone was very friendly. An assortment of food to satisfy everyones palate was displayed. A lovely evening was had by all.

Anonymous said...

A lovely evening, good food, good company and raised money for this well deserved charity. Keep up the good work Maggie..

Anonymous said...

Sandra Malpass said...
A lovely evening, good food, good company and raised money for this well deserved charity. Keep up the good work Maggie..
Sandra Malpass