HELP this WORTHY cause and bring CHANGE
comment by Maggie Mavi
Shakti stands as symbol of power: power to generate, to sustain and to protect. Being an embodiment of Shakti, every woman is bestowed with the power to create life. This programme aims at providing a sound education to the girl, making her self-reliant and confident. So that she can emerge as a stronger individual , independent enough to care for herself and strong enough to support her family and children. Now By giving these girls an OPPORTUNITY we are HELPING to GIVE these girls a BRIGHTER FUTURE. WHERE they are becoming --- SELF RELIANT, CONFIDENT, INDEPENDENT, and STRONGER individuals.These girls will not only support themselves but also their immediate families and also their husbands, later on in life. More importantly we are providing POSITIVE role models by giving them an opportunity. So INDIRECTLY this educated child makes and helps the future of her family --- thus improving the society … However this is only possible through the support of people like yourselves. So please do ....HELP this WORTHY cause and bring CHANGE.
comment by ANU
May 3, 2007 6:02 AM
Hi, It is nice to see you write about Shakti on your blog. I am sure a lot of people will become aware and come forward to support this noble cause! Keep it up! Anu